why is my thermos not keeping hot

Why is my thermos not keeping hot: 6 Reasons

A thermos is a great way to keep your coffee hot and prevent it from getting watered down. However, if your thermos isn’t keeping heat, you may have some common reasons for this.

1: The Thermos Is Old And Needs To Be Replaced

Over time, the seal around the lid may become worn or broken, leading to a lack of insulation and a decrease in temperature retention. Additionally, certain materials such as plastic and some metals conduct heat more easily than others, which will also cause the contents of the thermos to cool off more quickly. If you’re unsure if your thermos is too old or if it needs to be replaced, check with the manufacturer for guidelines on when and how often your thermos should be replaced.

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2: The Thermos Is Leaking Or Has A Hole In It

If your thermos is not keeping hot, one of the most likely causes is that it has a hole in it or is leaking. If you find that your thermos is not keeping heat, inspect the lid and body of the thermos for any visible holes or signs of leakage. If a hole or leak is present, then the thermos will not be able to keep the contents hot effectively. Make sure to handle any leaks or holes as soon as possible in order to maintain the effectiveness of your thermos.

3: There May Be An Issue With The Glass Or Insulation Of Your Thermos

This can happen when the inner lining of the thermos has been damaged, preventing it from properly insulating the liquid inside. Additionally, the glass or plastic of the thermos itself can become worn and cracked over time, allowing heat to escape. If you believe that there may be an issue with your thermos, it is best to replace them to ensure that your drinks stay hot.

4: You Need To Clean Your Thermos

Over time, bacteria can build up inside your thermos and create a layer of oil that prevents heat from staying inside. To clean your thermos, simply fill it with warm water and add a few drops of dish soap. Let it sit for at least an hour before rinsing it with fresh water. This will help remove any bacteria or residue that may have built up, allowing your thermos to keep hot items hot for longer.

5: You May Need To Change the Way You Store Your Coffee in Your Thermos

To ensure that your coffee stays hot for longer, it’s important to fill the thermos with hot liquid before you pour in your coffee. Additionally, if you use a vacuum-insulated thermos, ensure the lid is sealed tightly. Finally, avoid opening and closing the lid frequently throughout the day as this will cause heat to escape. With these simple steps, you should be able to keep your coffee hot all day long.

6: There’s Something Wrong With The Seal Of The Thermos

Over time, the seal can become damaged due to wear and tear and may need replacing. If the seal is not properly sealed, it can cause a leak of the hot air which will make it difficult for your thermos to maintain its temperature. To check if the seal is properly secured, open the lid and inspect the seal’s integrity. If you see any signs of damage or wear, it may be time to purchase a replacement seal for your thermos.


If your thermos isn’t keeping your coffee warm, there are some things you can do to help remedy this problem. By taking these steps, you should be able to get your thermos back to its original state of function.

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